group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air
group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air

911 Credit Builder

Your one-stop solution for credit repair, score improvement, and loan qualification.

brown concrete palace under blue sky at daytime
brown concrete palace under blue sky at daytime

About Us

We are an educational university dedicated to providing answers and solutions for credit repair, credit score improvement, and qualifying for loans. Let us guide you to financial success.

people sitting on chair in front of computer
people sitting on chair in front of computer

Our Services

Credit Repair

a bunch of books that are on a table
a bunch of books that are on a table

Credit Score Improvement

Loan Qualification

red metal chairs on gray concrete floor
red metal chairs on gray concrete floor
a woman in a graduation cap throwing confetti on her face
a woman in a graduation cap throwing confetti on her face

Valuable Credit Information: Restoration, Education/Doc Prep

You didn’t come this far to stop.

FACTS ABOUT Credit and Using Your Social Security Number:

Hi there! We have 20+ years of experience in evaluating credit and guiding consumers to assert their legal rights. We do it every day! We guarantee honesty and dependability; Virtues which most people have forgotten. Credit repair firms cannot do anything that you couldn’t do yourself. Yet, we can help you achieve results in a fraction of the time, without you making costly errors.


FACTS ABOUT Credit and Using Your Social Security Number: There’s more here on our Heartbeat4Prosperity website than you probably knew about before you got here!

  1. Good Credit Measures How Good You Are at Borrowing Money

  2. Lower Interest Rates

  3. Improved likelihood of Qualifying for a Loan or Credit

  4. Approval for Certain Jobs by Looking Better to Potential Employees or Partners

  5. Larger Credit Card and Loan Limits

  6. Better Credit Card Rewards and Perks

  7. Easier Approval for Rental Properties

  8. Lower Insurance Rates for Home, Accident, Life and Automobile

  9. Avoid Security Deposits on Utilities

  10. Negotiating Power on Loan Terms

  11. More Purchasing and Negotiating Power on the Loan Itself

  12. Get a Cell Phone without prepaying or making a security deposit.

  13. You Feel Happier and More Confident in Your Financial Affairs.

“The good thing about principles is that they make life easy. I have heard it said that when someone bases his life on principle, 99 percent of his decisions are already made.”— Dave Ramsey

. …or something like this may be of interest to you:

While a poor score can place a burden on your life, a good credit score can give you a competitive edge during lending decisions.

We are serious about Credit Repair and We Will Help You Obtain GREAT CREDIT! That’s Our Goal!

  1. We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

  2. We are a company with Integrity.

  3. We are very experienced with consumer, business, and mortgage credit.

  4. We will be intimately involved with your credit repair experience.

  5. We will be there for you every step of the way.

  6. Credit education and correction is legal, and the law is on your side. We help guide you from start to finish. And we prepare all of the documentation for the various credit agencies.

  7. Our fees are reasonable and there are NO long binding contracts. We will help you work with your files, until they are done.


  • Individual Credit Repair Start Up Set Up Action $130.00.

  • 2 people $150.00 when signing up at the same time, within 30 days of start date

  • $80.00 per month, per person, per social security number, after Start Up Set Up Action

  • No hourly fees

  • We charge less than a few hours with an attorney

  • No hidden fees

  • We’re there every step of the way through the process

  • DIY ~ DO IT Yourself Credit Repair $130.00, results vary.

We help and guide you from start to finish. We prepare all of the documentation for the 3 credit agencies. Our fees are reasonable and there are NO long binding contracts. We will help you, until the work is done and you qualify for a loan or better life position.


* Driver’s license copy showing your current address with your legal name.

* Social Security Card copy, signed.

*Name and Address Verification like a utility bill, cell phone bill, or first page of your bank statement showing your current address.

Credit Repair at your fingertips

The Services We Perform May Include:

  1. Document preparation and credit education. We will evaluate your current credit reports as listed with applicable credit reporting agencies and work with you to identify inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information. You’ll choose which items you would like to dispute. We will advise you on steps to be taken to dispute any inaccurate, erroneous, false or obsolete information contained on your credit reports.

  2. We will prepare all necessary correspondence in dispute of inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information in your credit reports.

  3. You will forward to us your correspondence received from the 3 credit reporting bureaus/agencies. And we will assist you in further correspondence with those agencies.

  4. Consulting, coaching, and monitoring services are conducted by text, personal meetings, webinars, video conferencing, telephone, email, or by any other form of communication during normal business hours.

In return, for the services above, you agree to pay fees as outlined in your client agreement. You have the right to cancel your contract for any reason within 3 business days from the date you signed it. Just send written notice as outlined in your client agreement.

It’s understood that we offer credit information. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information and to clearly explain your options. However, we do not provide legal advice (i.e, the application of the law to your individual circumstances). For legal advice, please consult an attorney.

We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

We are a company with Integrity.

We are very experienced with consumer, business, and mortgage credit.

We will be intimately involved with your credit repair experience.

We will be there for you every step of the way.

Credit education and correction is legal, and the law is on your side. We help guide you from start to finish. And we prepare all of the documentation for the various credit agencies.

Our fees are reasonable and there are NO long binding contracts. We will help you work with your files, until they are done.


  • Individual Credit Repair Start Up Set Up Action $130.00.

  • 2 people $150.00 when signing up at the same time, within 30 days of start date

  • $80.00 per month, per person, per social security number, after Start Up Set Up Action

  • No hourly fees

  • We charge less than a few hours with an attorney

  • No hidden fees

  • We’re there every step of the way through the process

  • DIY ~ DO IT Yourself Credit Repair $130.00, results vary.

We help and guide you from start to finish. We prepare all of the documentation for the 3 credit agencies. Our fees are reasonable and there are NO long binding contracts. We will help you, until the work is done and you qualify for a loan or better life position.


* Driver’s license copy showing your current address with your legal name.

* Social Security Card copy, signed.

*Name and Address Verification like a utility bill, cell phone bill, or first page of your bank statement showing your current address.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are experiencing financial hardships. Let this be a time for opportunity and not a time to fear your financial future.

There are 3 credit bureaus. Each bureau reports separate from the other two bureaus. The 3 credit reporting agencies are TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Because of their reporting methods, it is common to have different credit scores across all 3 bureaus. In order to get the best loan terms available, you should bring all 3 credit scores to your loan appointment. Before you talk to a loan officer you should know what’s on your credit summary. Things like collections, charge offs, late payments and poor usage of revolving credit cards can hurt you. The worst thing is it could be a nasty surprise when you are closing on a loan.

A credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula that is meant to predict credit worthiness. Credit scores range from 300-850. The higher your scores are, the more likely you’ll get a loan, obtain better insurance rates or the achieve the best employment opportunities. The negatives silently appearing on the background summary of your credit lowers your 3 scores. And you are less likely to be approved, even with higher credit scores, when the background credit summary you have stops you from qualify yet.

When you have low credit scores at the bureau level then most of the time those scores will be low at the banking level. When you have low credit scores and you do manage to get approved for credit then your interest rates will be much much higher than someone who has a good credit standing. Therefore, having high credit scores will save you many hundreds of thousands of dollars! Whether the benefit is for you to have a better employment position opportunity, better automobile insurance rates, home and life insurance rates, a drastically reduced mortgage rate, auto loan rate and even help you get credit line increases on your revolving credit cards much more speedily.



35% – Payment History

30% – Amounts Owed/Debt Ratio

15% – Length of Credit History

10% – Types of Credit/New Credit

10% – Number of Credit Inquiries




Medical information (unless you provide consent)

  • Notice of bankruptcy (Chapter 7 and 13) more than 10 yrs old

  • Debts (including delinquent child support payments) more than seven years old

  • Age, marital status, or race (when requested from a current or prospective employer)



  • We’ll show you how to maximize your debt-to-income ratio score, even when paying off credit cards isn’t an option.

  • We can also help you by removing credit inquiries from your credit report. Most people know about the 3 credit reporting bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. The average difference in scores between the highest and lowest of your credit scores, from the three bureaus, is 60 points. This is the result of the credit bureaus having different items on their reporting about you, which may be correct, incorrect or are not reported in full compliance with the FCRA and many credit laws. According to a recent study, nearly 80% of all credit reports have serious errors on them. This includes even the small errors.

  • After you’ve completed the few suggestions we give you in the beginning, and should we not be able remove at least 25% of the negative credit items from all 3 of your credit reports, we’ll refund you 100%.

  • Check out our Fantastic Guarantee!

man in gray crew neck long sleeve shirt standing beside woman in black crew neck shirt
man in gray crew neck long sleeve shirt standing beside woman in black crew neck shirt



  • Pay all of your bills on time, every time. This includes your utility bills, mortgage payments, auto payments, and all of your revolving credit cards. Check your credit report at least once a year. We recommend monthly checking to protect you and your identity.

  • Never charge more than 25% of the available balance on any of your credit cards. Banks like to see a nice record of on-time payments, and several credit cards that are not maxed-out. When you are carrying high balances on your credit cards, then make paying them down below 25% of the credit limit a high priority.

  • DO charge things and use your credit cards – Many people who make mistakes with their credit believe that the best way to fix things is to never use credit again. When you are afraid that you cannot handle your credit cards correctly then the best policy is probably this one: Pay only your utility bills on your credit cards each month, and then pay the balance on those utility bills in full before the due date. This ensures that your utility bills get paid on time automatically. And as long as you keep the “habit” of leaving a small balance on your revolving credit cards to get the best effect and by paying down your revolving credit card balances each month prior to the due date and the update date at the bureau level, then your scores will continue to go up. Leave the credit cards locked in a safe or a drawer at home to not be tempted to over-use them.

  • Keep your accounts open as long as possible – Even when you are no longer charging on the card. The best policy is to keep those unused accounts open. Blow the dust off your card every few months to make a small purchase, then pay it down low. How long each of your accounts have been active is a major factor in your credit score. And showing a small balance instead of paying them off helps to increase scores and makes you look more valuable to lenders.

  • Remember that this all takes time – Following the above steps consistently, over a short and a long period of time, will increase your credit scores. Repairing your credit score does not happen overnight, so when you do these things for a few months and do not see a large increase in your scores, do not give up. They are all habits that you will want to maintain throughout your life, as they will help you to keep your finances and lines of credit under control. And allow you better opportunities.

a person standing in the dark with a light painting on it
a person standing in the dark with a light painting on it



  • Delinquencies (30- 180 day late payments): A delinquency may remain on file for seven years; from the date of the initial missed payment.

  • Collection Accounts: May remain seven years from the date of the initial missed payment that led to the collection (the original delinquency date). When a collection account is paid in full, it will be marked as a “paid collection or paid less than the agreed amount” on the credit report.

  • Charge-off Accounts: When a delinquent account is sent to a collection company this will remain for seven years from the date of the initial missed payment that led to the charge-off (the original delinquency date), even when payments are later made on the charge-off account. When a charge-off account is paid in full, it will be marked as a “paid collection or charge-off or paid less than the agreed amount” on the credit report.

  • Closed Accounts: Just because you close and account or the company that originally gave you the revolving card closes the account doesn’t remove it from the bureaus reporting it. Closed accounts are no longer available for further use and may or may not have a zero balance. Closed accounts with late payments and other delinquencies remain for seven years from the date they are reported closed, whether closed by the creditor or by the consumer. However, the delinquency notation will be removed seven years after the delinquency occurred, when pertaining to late payments. Positive closed accounts continue to be reported for ten years from the closing date. Closed accounts with unpaid balances could possibly go to a collection or charge off status when it remains unpaid. Balances are stull due on closed accounts. When an account is not used for 5 1/2months the company can decide to close the un-used account. DO NOT re-open these closed accounts as it requires a hard hit on your credit to do so. Wait until you will qualify.

  • Lost Credit Card: When there are no delinquencies, credit cards reported as lost will continue to be listed for two years from the date the creditor is contacted. Delinquent payments that occurred before the card was reported lost are reported for seven years on the credit.

  • Bankruptcy: Chapters 7, 11, and 12 will remain on one’s credit report for ten years from the filing date. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is reported for seven years from the filing date. Accounts included in a bankruptcy will remain for seven years from the date reported, as included in the bankruptcy. Many times we see that the Bankruptcy should have included several things still left reporting negatively on your credit file. You will need proper credit repair to resolve this situation by cleaning up what “should have been” settled at the time you went to court. Please provide the BK paperwork to match up with what is currently reporting compared to what should be reporting on your behalf.

  • Judgments: Remain seven years from the date filed. When you get a judgement do not ignore it. Many times you can make arrangements that will work for you. Sometimes it takes the law to supersede some matters. NOTHING that we do makes something go to the court’s. It would have most likely already been in “process of” during the time we worked for you.

  • City, County, State, and Federal Tax Liens: Unpaid tax liens remain for fifteen years from the filing date. A paid tax lien will remain on one’s credit and effect the scores for 10 years from the date of payment.

  • Inquiries/Credit Checks/Hard Hits/Soft Hits: There are a variety of names. Most of them effect your scores and drop them. Most inquiries listed on one’s credit report will remain for two years. All inquiries must remain for a minimum of one year from the date the inquiry was made. Some inquiries, such as employment or pre-approved offers of credit, will show only on a personal credit report pulled by you. The inquiries that remain should be valid. All others can be disputed under the FCRA.

white concrete lighthouse
white concrete lighthouse



Yes, credit training is legal. Our credit education and document processing services will help you to use the laws and the FCRA in your favor. That law is called “The Fair Credit Reporting Act.” The FCRA gives you the right to dispute any item on your credit report. When that item cannot be verified, within a reasonable time (usually 30-45 days) it must be removed. The study conducted by the national Association of Public Interest Research Groups, is the most alarming yet. It discovered that that 79% of all credit reports contain some type of error – and 25% contain such serious errors that those people could be denied credit.

Errors are not as uncommon as you may think. More than one-third, or 34%, of Americans found at least one error on their credit report, according to a new Consumer Reports investigation. Consumer Reports asked volunteers to get a copy of their credit report and to check what’s being reported for errors. The 5, 858 people did check their reports between Feb 1rst and April 1rst. These results have shown that 79% of all credit reports contain errors. This is nearly 8 out of 10 reports. Therefore most credit reports improve immediately. It is our job to “challenge” the inaccurate reporting about you. And we are very skilled at resolving most credit issues!


Contrary to what credit bureaus want you to believe, credit training DOES work, in most circumstances. Especially, when you are not getting new negatives for us to work on while we dispute the original information. New negatives require new work. Credit Repair only works when you are getting the best advice from an experienced professional. There are many people or businesses out there who profess to do “credit repair.” Instead, it is debt consolidation and requires late payments and things going to collections. A Bankruptcy can sometimes be better.

Anyone with a credit score below 720 can benefit long-term from the advice and information provided through credit education. However, there are limiting factors that will prevent us from helping you. Two main factors are: (1) your financial situation and/or (2) the time frame in which you need to reach your results.

It is possible to remove anything from a credit report. Things just take time. It took time to add them. It takes time to dispute them. For instance, should the creditor make mistakes or not adhere to a specific time frame, the negative item may be removed.


We will guide you through the process from start to finish. We also prepare and send out all your documents to the 3 different credit bureaus and also reporting lenders for you. We have a superb knowledge of credit scoring and we have a depth of experience working with creditors and credit bureaus. It may be difficult for an individual to communicate with creditors and bureaus without an in depth understanding of the techniques and regulations in place for disputing the credit reporting. We have spent a great deal of time, 19+ plus years, learning the laws that will help you to remove negative information on your report. This empowers us and enables us to offer you a flawless, money back guarantee system.


You are entitled to a 100% refund on all monthly payments:

You are entitled to a 100% refund on all monthly payments:

– When you do not get removed or deleted more than 25% of all the negatives worked on.
– When you have had six months of our services, from the date you retain our services.
– When you have at least 4 negatives on the credit report at the time of sign-up.
– When you have not used a credit-consulting agency nor attempted to repair your own credit 2 years previous to signing up for our services.
– When you agree to send us updated reports from the three credit bureaus: Transunion, Equifax and Experian. They will send you the response letters. Anywhere from 2 pages to 50+ pages, every 30-45 days. They mail them out to you. Make sure you send them to us within 5 days of receipt of them to It is your responsibility to make us aware when updated reports have not been received)

By keeping the IdentiyIQ service you will no longer have to turn in these response letters. The updates happen every 30 days, online. This makes it easier and faster because you don’t miss any responses of the deletions or changes or non-changes.

-When you do not get removed or deleted more than 25% of all the negatives worked on.
– When you have had six months of our services, from the date you retain our services.When you have paid your monthly payments with us on time for 6 months.
– When you have at least 4 negatives on the credit report at the time of sign-up.
– When you have not used a credit-consulting agency nor attempted to repair your own credit 2 years previous to signing up for our services.
– When you agree to send us updated reports from the three credit bureaus: Transunion, Equifax and Experian. They will send you the response letters. Anywhere from 2 pages to 50+ pages, every 30-45 days. They mail them out to you. Make sure you send them to us within 5 days of receipt of them to (It’s your responsibility to make us aware when monthly updated reports have not been received by Transunion, Equifax and Experian.)

By keeping the IdentiyIQ service you will no longer have to turn in these response letters. The updates happen every 30 days, online. This makes it easier and faster because you don’t miss any responses of the deletions or changes or non-changes.


Because most people won’t have an increase in credit scores by 100 points in a month it’s important to start making small changes now.

It takes time to make bad credit happen. It takes time to make good credit happen.

When you pay your bills on time, lower and eliminate your consumer debts, don’t run large balances on your cards over 25% of the credit limit available and maintain a mix of both consumer and secured borrowing, you’ll see an increase in your credit scores happening right away. Most “major” increases take effect within a few months. Don’t wait, as it takes 30 days to update what you do today, at the bureau level, 30 days from today. That includes making on-time payments and establishing or changing your new and old credit lines or accounts.

The ingredients that make the FICO scores are important to keep simple. How long accounts have been open? How long specific types of credit accounts have been opened? Are there any late payments? What is your utilization on each revolving credit card account you use or is currently closed? What do you have for debt to income ratio? Any collections or charge offs? How many? With balances?

As we educate you on making better financial choices, you will, through our services, see your own credit scores increase by at least 10 points, or more, within the first month. 93% of our clients see their credit scores increase dramatically over the full 180-days, by following our advice. The average credit score increase is 80 points.


There are two sides to the credit score battle. Sometimes, the creditors and the credit bureaus have done absolutely everything right and we have no case against them. On average, clients are able to remove 70% of the negative or false items from a credit report, within 4 to 9 months.


Items cannot come back, as long as the item is current or paid at the time of removal. Or when the collection is older than three years. This holds true except in very rare circumstances. Once you have started up with our services and have stopped, should you need to start up again, we will be happy to help again. Once an item has been removed previously then we will gladly re-dispute that item at no extra charge. As long as it its the exact tradeline account we originally removed or changed.


With our assistance and document processing, our clients have had great success with “getting negative items removed from their credit reports such as” bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debts, credit checks, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, wrong reporting of your name and address, judgments, tax liens and student loans.


These percentages are based on the importance of the five categories for the general population. For particular groups – for example, people who have not been using credit long – the relative importance of these categories may be different. Those with established credit must use this score break down to determine what is needed next to build your credit and to keep your credit in a good place for a long time.


Improving your credit is one of the wisest investments you can make! It takes us both to make it happen! No new negatives while we are fixing the past. Make sure to do the new positive suggestions we tell you the first day. This will give you fastest score increases and better background for “credit-qualifying” before you run your credit check.


We love our customers, feel free to schedule a call during normal business hours.

As a new credit repair client, you should go to your dashboard, sign in and start benefiting from the 24/7 access you have with your account. Have you signed in recently? You have had the link ever since you signed up. Should you need us to resend you the link just ask us. Then you can sign in and check on your progress with us and the 3 credit bureaus. Fixing your credit and making it look good is supposed to be fun …so Have Fun!

We hope you found this information about your credit useful and helpful. Our content is not intended to provide legal, investment or financial advice or to indicate that a particular Heartbeat4prosperity product or service is available or right for you. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, consider talking with a qualified person.


Quality, not quantity

Privacy Policy

We have created this privacy policy (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”) in order to disclose our information gathering and dissemination practices. We understand the importance that Internet users place on privacy and have designed our service with this in mind. You agree to this Privacy Policy, in its entirety, when you: 1) access or use our “Website”); and/or 2) select and register for an offer(s) on the Website by clicking the offer(s) presented. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy, please do not use or access the Website. If you are a resident of the State of California and would like to opt-out from the disclosure of your personal information to any third party for direct marketing purposes, please e-mail us.

Information We Collect:

The information that we collect is generally limited to personal information about you that you submit on the Website. The personally identifiable information that may be collected includes: your name; address; email address; telephone number; fax number; information about your interests in and use of various products, programs, and services; and education level and interests. Although we are not collecting credit card information at this time, we reserve the right to do so in the future. To the extent that customer credit card-specific information is collected by our company and any of our affiliates and/or subsidiaries, said information will be kept in confidence and will not be shared with any third parties (other than consumer credit agencies) without the customer’s prior informed consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we and our affiliates and subsidiaries reserve the right to share with third parties the fact that they have credit card information on file for specific customers but they will not share this credit card information with third parties without the customer’s prior informed consent. Like most standard website servers, we use log files. Log files track anonymous user information including, but not limited to, Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (“ISP”), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks. This information is tracked in order to analyze trends, administer the Website, track users’ movements in the aggregate and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. The information tracked via log files is not linked to personally identifiable information.


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Any personal information that you supply to us remains your personal property. However, by submitting that information our company, you grant us the right to use your personal information for any legal purpose including, without limitation: a) providing promotional offers to you via email advertising and/or online banner advertising; b) transferring the personal information that you provided to a third party, when necessary, to receive a product, service, or information that you may have requested from such third party while using the Website; c) tracking compliance with our Terms and Conditions; and d) for validation, suppression, content improvement and feedback purposes. By submitting your information to the Website, you grant our company the right to use that information for marketing purposes, and agree to receive email marketing from the Website. We may maintain separate email lists for different purposes. In order to end your email subscription to a particular list, you must follow the instructions contained in any email correspondence that you receive from us. Unsubscribing from one list will not automatically unsubscribe you from all email lists. We only send email marketing to individuals that have agreed, whether by visiting this Website or through third party websites, to receive email marketing from us. We do not send unsolicited bulk email. As a result, certain statutes, requiring particular formatting for unsolicited bulk email may not be applicable to the bulk email that is sent by our company. Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may be required to disclose personal Information in some instances, such as: 1) when required by law wherein we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, and/or subpoena; 2) in the event that our company is sold or acquired; or 3) in the event that we believe that the Website is being, or has been, used in violation of our terms and conditions or to commit unlawful acts. Moreover, you hereby consent to the disclosure of any record or communication to any third party when our company, in its sole discretion, determines the disclosure to be appropriate including, without limitation, sharing your email address with other third parties for suppression purposes in compliance with the provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, as amended from time-to-time.

Sharing of Information:

Our company provides you with the opportunity to receive special offers, products and/or services from other third-party companies. To receive such offers, products and/or services your personally identifiable information supplied to us during the registration process will be shared with such third-party companies so that they may provide the product or service to you that you have ordered from them without requiring that you first complete another registration form. By submitting your e-mail address at the Website you agree to receive e-mail marketing from our company. We may share our user information and/or join together with other businesses to bring selected opportunities to our users. We are able to offer third party services to you, in part, based on your willingness to be reached by our third-party advertisers. In addition, you agree that such act constitutes a purchase, an inquiry and/or an application for purposes of the Amended Telemarketing Sales Rule, 16 C.F.R.

Book your time with us or visit us online and save up to 30%

First 10 bookings of each month will be awarded with a free Business Credit & Funding Consultation.

911 Credit Builder is the Best!

We provide coaching, teaching, training and guidance. In which you start achieving specific personal or professional goals, in a timely manner. Your value will increase and your focus will be more brilliant than ever before! Instead of hoping, wishing and wondering you need security in a personal “reckoning.” At Heartbeat4Prosperity, we take a healthy pride in providing you with the direction, accountability and flexibility to know how to change your current situation. Are you ready to learn what you are capable of? Are you ready to make it the best possible life that you are capable of having?

  1. On their personal time they enjoy adventuring to near and far places

  2. They have traveled around the united States for 2 solid months.

  3. They love their family and friends and enjoy a good meal together.

  4. They love watching movies and spending time listening to good books.

Contact Us

Contact us for inquiries or assistance
